What You Should Know about Flameproofing Temporary Structures

Nothing generates excitement and energy for a business like a special promotional event.  Putting together something out of the ordinary is often just the trick for fresh interest and a broader customer base.  When planning an event like this, lots of preparing must take place. An item on that checklist is (or should be!) including fire safety. The FDNY has special mandates for flameproofing temporary sets and props that may be used for a special event. Today we will go over some of the things you should know about flameproofing temporary structures, decorations, and scenery.

Theater Safety: Requirements for Flameproofing Scenery

As inhabitants of New York City, the love of theater is in our blood, isn't it? There's so much that goes into making a theater performance a heart-stopping experience for those who attend. However, if an unfortunate fire should break out, that's not really the heart-stopping effect that we're looking for, right? Thankfully, theater fires are a rare occurrence today, and that is primarily because of the measures that have been taken in fire safety and prevention. As part of that, flameproofing is a vital element of the fire safety process in order to keep theaters safe. Today we'll be discussing what's involved in flameproofing scenery in theaters.

Guidelines for Flameproofing Decorations - and What You Need to Know

Nothing is more attractive to the public than a stylish, decorated business. It makes customers feel at home and comfortable – which means better business for you.  While it’s important to make sure your business location is aesthetically pleasing, it’s also important for it to be safe as well. In particular, fire safety is of priority importance. It’s definitely possible to have a place that’s beautiful and safe, one that meets FDNY standards for fire safety. Today we will discuss how.

The Ins and Outs of the Flameproofing Process

Nothing gets your attention like hearing about a tragic fire. In a matter of seconds, our minds run through a whole line of questions: How did it start? Was anyone hurt? How bad was the damage? Thankfully, devastating fires aren't usually an everyday occurrence, and part of the reason that is true is because of flameproofing.  We don't hear about flameproofing very often because the tragedies that flameproofing has prevented doesn't make the news. The act of fireproofing is getting more notice these days, yet many people still have questions as to what's involved.  Today, we will address and answer some of those questions.

The Tragedy of the Winecoff Hotel Fire in Atlanta

While tragedies occur in our society every day, there are few that incur such widespread damage the way that a fire does. From property to loss of life, the potential for a fire to disrupt lives across a broad spectrum is almost incomprehensible. Sadly, here in America, we've had our share of devastating fires. While these tragic events were heart-wrenching, we have learned some valuable lessons from them, ones that have made us smarter and safer when it comes to fires. One of those fires took place at the Winecoff Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia back in 1946.